
Jednoduchý zámek X serveru.


Moje nastavení

Pixel a logo

Slock s efektem blur a logem
config.h/* user and group to drop privileges to */
/* MV logo (*/
static const char *user  = "nobody";
static const char *group = "nogroup";

static const char *colorname[NUMCOLS] = {
        [INIT] =   "#687591",     /* after initialization */
        [INPUT] =  "#689168",   /* during input */
        [FAILED] = "#916868",   /* wrong password */

/* treat a cleared input like a wrong password (color) */
static const int failonclear = 1;

/* insert grid pattern with scale 1:1, the size can be changed with logosize */
static const int logosize = 16;
/* grid width and height for right center alignment */
static const int logow = 12;
static const int logoh = 6;

static XRectangle rectangles[9] = {
        /* x    y       w       h */
        { 0,    0,	1,	6 },
        { 1,    0,	1,	1 },
        { 3,    0,	1,	1 },
        { 2,    1,	1,	1 },
        { 4,    0,	1,	6 },
        { 6,    0,	1,	5 },
        { 7,    5,	1,	1 },
        { 8,    0,	1,	5 },


/*Enable blur*/
#define BLUR
/*Set blur radius*/
static const int blurRadius=4;
/*Enable Pixelation*/
/*Set pixelation radius*/
static const int pixelSize=12;

Blur a logo

/* user and group to drop privileges to */
/* MV logo (*/
static const char *user  = "nobody";
static const char *group = "nogroup";

static const char *colorname[NUMCOLS] = {
	[INIT] =   "black",     /* after initialization */
	[INPUT] =  "#37ca3a",   /* during input */
	[FAILED] = "#CC3333",   /* wrong password */

/* treat a cleared input like a wrong password (color) */
static const int failonclear = 1;

/* insert grid pattern with scale 1:1, the size can be changed with logosize */
static const int logosize = 40;
/* grid width and height for right center alignment */
static const int logow = 12;
static const int logoh = 6;

static XRectangle rectangles[9] = {
	/* x    y       w       h */
	{ 0,    0,      1,      6 },
	{ 1,    0,      1,      1 },
	{ 3,    0,      1,      1 },
	{ 2,    1,      1,      1 },
	{ 4,    0,      1,      6 },
	{ 6,    0,      1,      5 },
	{ 7,    5,      1,      1 },
	{ 8,    0,      1,      5 },


/*Enable blur*/
#define BLUR
/*Set blur radius*/
static const int blurRadius=15;
/*Enable Pixelation*/
//#define PIXELATION
/*Set pixelation radius*/
static const int pixelSize=0;

Náhled zamknuté obrazovky:

Slock s efektem blur a logem

Obrázek na pozadí a nic víc

/* user and group to drop privileges to */
static const char *user  = "martin";
static const char *group = "users";

static const char *colorname[NUMCOLS] = {
        [INIT] =   "black",     /* after initialization */
        [INPUT] =  "#005577",   /* during input */
        [FAILED] = "#CC3333",   /* wrong password */

/* treat a cleared input like a wrong password (color) */
static const int failonclear = 1;

/* Background image path, should be available to the user above */
static const char* background_image = "/opt/moje_speciality/grafika/pozadí/zamceno.png";